In this week’s show, Nathan tells us all about his journey to Spec Miata racing at Hallett and getting ready for his big wheel to wheel debut.
Episode 75: Mayur Patel
Let’s catch up with Mayur Patel and his efforts in Zambian Group N Rally.
Episode 74: Jake Reihl
Catching up with Jake Reihl and some Breaking News. After taking a break, RACERSHQ is back. We’ve got plans. We’ve got spreadsheets. We hope you tune in.
5 Tips to Faster Lap Times
Welcome back to Smart Racing Tips from Kanga Motorsports. These are streamlined articles with great information for the aspiring racer. For the full article, go to Want to go faster? Here are 5 tips that helped me get faster and reduce my lap times. Includes shared wisdom from other racers and things that I have […]